Photo 135: Intro to Photojournalism: Reading Assignments

Instructor: Sue Leith:                Office Hours Monday 1-2 MRP 2011



Editing: Chapter 10 Test Review Questions


1) What did Bruce Bauman mean by the expression "service station" in relation to the photo department.


2) Are most photo editors ex-photographers?


3) Based on the Continuing Study of Newspaper Reading, which categories of pictures generate the LEAST interest?

       a) Family  b) sports  c) fine arts  d) fires  c) disasters


4) Who is more picture minded?

      a) men     b) women


5) According to researcher Sheree Josephson who followed readersŐ eye movements, how long does a person, look at a photo in newspaper, magazine, web?



6)Surprisingly one skill not necessary to be an outstanding photo editors is?


7) Should photographers edit their own work? Explain reasons in favor of and against self-editing.


8) Can professional photo editors predict reader preferences better than the general public?

     a) yes         b) no


9) List the picture Hierarchy (4 areas) recommended by Joe Elbert of the Washington Post and explain each


10) You are the photo editor for the sports page – what can you do to generate more reader interest in the sports photos?


11) How can newspapers avoid showing bias and stereotyping in their photos?


12) Name 3 reasons to run a b&w photo instead of a color photo.


13) List 3 reasons that cropping an a picture might improve it


14) List 2 dangers in cropping a picture that might hurt the image


15) Approximately what percentage of readers look at a two column picture? What does the percentage become for a four column picture?


16) ) Increasing the size of an image in a newspaper has been proven to increase reader interest,  with at least one exception. What is that exception?


17) Printing large photos with articles has proven to increase reader understanding of the accompanying article. Explain.